Worth Titan Fastpitch Bat - Women's ( sz. 33, -10 oz. ) Reviews

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Step to the plate with the power of the gods, when you are swinging the Worth Titan Fastpitch Bat. This single-piece composite bat is also large on technology, utilizing a combination of patented Worth composite, Rapid Air Vacuum (RAV) and Epoxy Induction Process (EIP) advancements. The strength of the Titan begins with a dual layer of braided carbon that is applied over the Lithium Aluminum core. Next, a single layer of braided aramid fiber is applied. The RAV process creates a pressurized mold that holds these layers in place as air is taken out of the composite structure. Simultaneously, the EIP process pulls a proprietary two-part epoxy through the woven layers under constant heat and pressure. The result is a bat that will provide you with a extended sweet spot and an optimal balance between performance and durability. Before you dig in the box grab your most powerful whooping stick. Grab the Worth Titan Fastpitch Bat. Approved by the ASA, USSSA, NSA, ISA, ISF and other associations. **Used bats cannot be returned or replaced under any circumstance. Unwanted bats returned to Eastbay must not be used and must be in original packaging.**
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Jun 26, 2011 16:30:08